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Anis Ben-Amar

Name Anis Ben-Amar
University Center of Biotechnology of Borj Cedria
Country Tunisia
Position Editorial board member


Dr. Anis Ben-Amar is an Assistant Professor in Plant Tissue Culture & Molecular Physiology at the Center of Biotechnology of Borj Cedria (TUNISIA). After a Licence in Life Science, he was awarded by a presidential prize of knowledge in 1999. He then started a Master in plant biotechnology and obtained his PhD in biology at the Faculty of Science of Tunis, University El-Manar where he gave lectures in plant cell biology, tissue culture and morphogenesis, cellular and molecular physiology. During his research work, he has got several fellowships for a scientific stay in Germany (2004-2007) at the Center for Green Technology (Zentrum Grune Genetechnik, Neustadt/Weinstr.) as well as at AgroScience.GmbH, AlPlanta-Institute for Plant Research in the field of plant genetic engineering. He was invited as speaker and supervisor of the Grapevine Transformation Technologies-COST858 held in Germany. Since 2007, he was affiliated with the Department of Plant Molecular Physiology at the Center of Biotechnology, Science and Technology Park of Borj Cedria in the south of Tunis City.

His research focus on development of plant transformation and regeneration, establishment of transient gene expression systems as tools for functional analysis, establishment of advanced PCR-based methods for molecular identification/screening, characterization of salt and drought-responsive genes for genomics studies, investigation in plant cell physiology and plant signaling. He is currently developing reverse genetics tools such as virus-induced gene silencing vectors to study salt stress tolerance. Most of studies were carried out on grapevine, barley and model tobacco and tomato plants. Recently, he is serving as guest editor, associate editor and member of reviewer panel in many peer-reviewed international journals. He is actually coordinator/principal investigator of bilateral scientific projects in cooperation with DLR-Reinpfalz (Germany) and other countries on functional genomics related to plant stress tolerance (2016-2018). He has more than 15 referred papers, 1 book, 1 special issue, 2 book chapters, along with a number of international conferences, communications and proceedings.

Research interests

Genetic transformation and plant regeneration, Molecular screening of microorganisms, Cell biology, Transient expression systems, Virus-induced gene silencing, Plant physiology and biochemistry, Plant functional genomics