A. C. Matin
Dr. A.C. Matin got his Ph.D from University of California in Microbiology ...
Name | A. C. Matin |
University | Stanford University School of Medicine |
Country | USA |
Current Trends in Genetics and Microbiology
Journal Outline
Current Trends in Genetics and Microbiology (CTGM) is an open access, peer reviewed and scientific journal which integrate two broad aspects of life sciences i.e. genetics and microbiology. The journal as scholarly based publishes high-quality scientific research that presents important findings in genetics and microbiology across a full range of biological science applications.
The journal covers all areas of genetics and evolution, including molecular genetics and molecular evolution. The journal publishes high-quality research articles and reviews on a broad range of microbiology from fundamental studies of the biology of prokaryotic and eukaryotic micro-organisms, to applied microbiology and microbial biotechnology. So it’s a unique journal of its kind relating to how genetics and microbiology can co relate to evolutionary aspect of study.
Coverage Topics
Dr. A.C. Matin got his Ph.D from University of California in Microbiology ...
Name | A. C. Matin |
University | Stanford University School of Medicine |
Country | USA |
Name | Jothi Amaranath Govindan |
University | Massachusetts General Hospital |
Country | USA |
Dr. Awate received his Master’s in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from George Washington Un...
Name | Sanket Awate |
University | National Institute of Health |
Country | USA |
Dr Sanyaolu is a Medical Microbiologist with over 20 years of work experience in the area of public health, clinical and teaching duties. His expertise and r...
Name | Adekunle Sanyaolu |
University | AMOOF consulting enterprise |
Country | Canada |
Formerly Director of the Department of Surgical Sciences at the University of Udine School of Medicine from 2003 to 2009 and Professor and Chairman of the EN...
Name | Alfio Ferlito |
University | University of Udine School of Medicine |
Country | Italy |
Maulin P. Shah, currently Chief Scientist & Head Industrial Waste Water Research Lab, Division of Applied and Environmental Microbiology Lab at Enviro Te...
Name | Maulin Pramod Shah |
University | Sardar Patel University |
Country | India |
Education and Degrees: Graduated from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University School of Agriculture,...
Name | Michal Bartoszcze |
University | Biological Threats Identification and Countermeasure Center of MIHE |
Country | Poland |
Tarek Aboushousha, M.D. (Pathology), Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University-Egypt . Professor of patholo...
Name | Tarek Salah-Eldin Aboushousha |
University | Theodor Bilharz Research Institute |
Country | Egypt |
Dr. Ashraf El-Metwally is an internationally recognized medical doctor and scientist with a PhD in Epid...
Name | Ashraf Abdelsalam Mohamedei Metwally |
University | King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences |
Country | United Arab Emirates |
I have worked on insects, particularly mosquitoes from the past seven years trying to understand their ...
Name | Arvind Sharma |
University | University of Nevada |
Country | USA |
Name | Ahmed Mostafa Elsayed |
University | Justus-Liebig-University Gießen |
Country | Germany |
Name | Alexander Birbrair |
University | Federal University of Minas Gerais |
Country | Brazil |
Dr. Cristina-Crenguta Albu is an Associate Professor of Department of Medica...
Name | Cristina-Crenguta Albu |
University | Bucharest "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy |
Country | Romania |
Name | Amin Ebrahimi |
University | Shahrood University of Technology |
Country | Iran |
Dr. Osama M. Ahmed was granted Ph.D. (in 2000) in Physiology from Faculty of Science, Cairo Univer...
Name | Osama Mohamed Ahmed |
University | Beni-Suef University |
Country | Egypt |
Dr. Aliyu Adamu is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Mcrobiology, Kaduna State University,...
Name | Aliyu Adamu |
University | Kaduna State University |
Country | Nigeria |
Dr. Anis Ben-Amar is an Assistant Professor in Plant Tis...
Name | Anis Ben-Amar |
University | Center of Biotechnology of Borj Cedria |
Country | Tunisia |
Name | Jianping Wang |
University | University of Florida |
Country | USA |
Dr. Li Li serves as a young scientist assigned to the College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Scienc...
Name | Li Li |
University | Zhejiang University |
Country | China |
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Current Trends in Genetics and Microbiology |
Article Type | Publication Fee (USD) |
Research/Review/Video Article | 1816 |
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Image Article/Editorial | 550 |
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