Michael Olin
Dr. Olin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Hematology/Oncology. Dr. Olin graduated from the University of Minnesota, Dul...
Name | Michael Olin |
University | University of Minnesota |
Country | USA |
Clinical Oncology Research Journal (ISSN 2652-4457)
Journal Outline
Clinical Oncology Research Journal (CORJ) is an open access, scientific and peer-reviewed journal designed to extends its broad scope by covering several areas of cancer research, especially novel concepts, new methods, new regimens, new therapeutic agents, and alternative approaches for early detection and intervention of cancer by establishing oncology as base of research. The journal extensively tries to integrate preclinical, translational, and clinical research in cancer, from epidemiology, carcinogenesis and biology through to innovations in cancer treatment and patient care.
Clinical Oncology Research Journal (CORJ) welcomes distinguished team of cancer researchers, scholars, scientists, medical/surgical/clinical practioners who have hardcore motivation for this ongoing oncology research to generate forum at a global stage and express, exchanges their updates for its reader as the single most credible, authoritative resource for disseminating significant clinical oncology research. So, keeping this as strategy the journal maintains rapid publication of high quality results in cancer research through original Research articles, Short research communication, Reviews, Mini reviews, Image articles, Case studies, Hypothesis, Method and protocol, New instruments and regimens, Letter to the editor by electronic format of publications.
The journal provides all its scholarly based archives in pdf/html format with free access and downloads.
Coverage Topics
Manuscripts are highly encouraged to be submitted topics mentioned with:
Dr. Olin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Hematology/Oncology. Dr. Olin graduated from the University of Minnesota, Dul...
Name | Michael Olin |
University | University of Minnesota |
Country | USA |
Name | Jose Maria Acostamadiedo |
University | Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital |
Country | USA |
Dr. Shiaw-Yih (Phoebus) Lin is a tenured professor and Deputy Chair of Department of Systems Biology at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Dr...
Name | Shiaw-Yih Lin |
University | The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center |
Country | USA |
Personal Statement:
<...Name | Rammurti T. Kamble |
University | Baylor College of Medicine |
Country | USA |
Dr Shyam Reddy is a Professor and Director, Cancer Biology Program, Department of OB/GYN, Morehouse School of Medicine, Georgia Cancer center for excellence,...
Name | E. Shyam P. Reddy |
University | Morehouse School of Medicine |
Country | USA |
I joined Wayne State University in 1998 as a faculty member of the Hematology/Oncology division of the Department of Internal Medicine. In 2002, I joined the...
Name | Arun K. Rishi |
University | Wayne State University School of Medicine |
Country | USA |
Medical oncologist and assistant professor of Medicine at Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Marshall University in West Virginia. Dr. Alsharedi specia...
Name | Mohamed Alsharedi |
University | Marshall University |
Country | USA |
Dr. Navin Viswakarma is Research Assistant Professor in Division of surgical oncology in the Department of Surgery, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). ...
Name | Navin Viswakarma |
University | University of Illinois |
Country | USA |
Research Interests: Brachytherapy, Monte Carlo Simula...
Name | Mahdi Ghorbani |
University | Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences |
Country | Iran |
President Chen obtained PhD in 1999 at Kaohsiung Medical University. Currently teaches in Fooyin Univer...
Name | Chung Yi Chen |
University | Fooyin University |
Country | Taiwan |
Name | Tarek Salah-Eldin Aboushousha |
University | Theodor Bilharz Research Institute |
Country | Egypt |
Name | Vivek Bhaskaran |
University | Brigham & Woman's Hospital |
Country | USA |
Dr. Vural has...
Name | Hasibe Cingilli VURAL |
University | Necmettin Erbakan Unversity |
Country | Turkey |
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Clinical Oncology Research Journal |
Article Type | Publication Fee (USD) |
Research/Review/Video Article/Case Report | 1650 |
Mini-Review | 1060 |
Short Communication/Commentary/Letter to Editor/Opinion/Perspective/Book review | 750 |
Image Article/Editorial | 550 |
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