Alireza Heidari
Prof. Dr. Alireza Heidari, Ph.D., D.Sc. is a Full Professor and Academic Tenure of Chemistry at Califor...
Name | Alireza Heidari |
University | California South University |
Country | USA |
Open Access Journal of Agriculture Research
(ISSN 2651-9003)
Journal Outline
Open Access Journal of Agriculture Research as an open access and peer-reviewed journal intends to expand the vast knowledge of Agricultural Sciences and its allied subject lines by publishing articles with especially focusing on new innovations for emerging fields and concepts in providing future directions to promote agricultural research worldwide across.
OAJAR aims to encourage the forum of scientific professionals like professors, scientists, and research scholars, academicians to come up and share their important issues of agricultural research, education and extension and present views of the scientific community globally.
Open Access Journal of Agriculture Research intends to propagate research findings and also to open new vistas for further research by covering all the disciplines of crop sciences, animal sciences, fishery sciences, forestry sciences and natural resources management sciences, to stimulate interest in inter-disciplinary research of Agriculture as a base with scientific approach through literary presentations by Research/ Review/Mini Review/ Communication like articles publications.
Prof. Dr. Alireza Heidari, Ph.D., D.Sc. is a Full Professor and Academic Tenure of Chemistry at Califor...
Name | Alireza Heidari |
University | California South University |
Country | USA |
Name | Maia Akhalkatsi |
University | Ilia State University |
Country | Georgia |
Name | Sukhvinder Singh |
University | DuPont Pioneer |
Country | USA |
Parmodh Sharma is a Senior Statistician/Statistical Programmer working with PVR Technologies, Inc., USA...
Name | Parmodh Sharma |
University | New Mexico State University |
Country | USA |
Name | Chiladze George |
University | University of Georgia |
Country | USA |
Name | Dario Stefanelli |
University | Latrobe University |
Country | Australia |
Miklas Scholz, cand ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM,...
Name | Miklas Scholz |
University | LUND UNIVERSITY |
Country | Sweden |
Jin Seop Bak has a college degree in Yonsei Univ. (senior admissions), a PhD in Korea Univ. with top ho...
Name | Jin Seop Bak |
University | Kyonggi University |
Country | South Korea |
Name | Martin Svoboda |
University | University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Country | Europe |
Christopher R Bryant has completed his Doctorate in 1970 from the London School of Economics and Politi...
Name | Christopher R. Bryant |
University | University of Montreal |
Country | Canada |
Abobatta working as a Dr at (Citr...
Name | Waleed Fouad Abobatta |
University | Horticulture Research Institute – Agriculture Research Center |
Country | Egypt |
Dr. Aykut Tonk is Associate Professor in the Department of Field Crops at th...
Name | Fatma Aykut Tonk |
University | Ege University |
Country | Turkey |
Prof. dr. Rusu Teodor from University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinar...
Name | Teodor Rusu |
Country | Europe |
Dr. Engineer, Research assistant, Department of Soil Sciences, University o...
Name | Moraru Paula Ioana |
Country | Bulgaria |
Name | Zul Ariff Bin Abdul Latiff |
University | Universiti Malaysia Kelantan |
Country | Malaysia |
A.A. Satti was graduated in the University of Gezira, and received his M.Sc. & Ph.D. from Khartoum ...
Name | Abdalla A Satti |
University | Natural Resources and Desertification Research Institute |
Country | Sudan |
Irmak Baran was born in Ankara, Turkey. She attended TED Ankara College High School. After that she stu...
Name | Irmak Baran |
University | Ankara Numune Education and Research Hospital |
Country | Turkey |
Alexander K Sayok, a graduate in forestry (BS Forest management (1984) Louisiana State University, MS W...
Name | Alexander K Sayok |
University | Universiti Malaysia Sarawak |
Country | Malaysia |
Name | Shady El-Ghaish |
University | Kafrelsheikh University |
Country | Egypt |
Name | Ahmed Abd El-Aziz Kheder |
University | Agricultural Research Centre (ARC) |
Country | Egypt |
Carmen Georgeta NICOLAE is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Animal Products Engineering and Admini...
Name | Carmen Georgeta Nicolae |
University | University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest |
Country | Romania |
Christopher Teh Boon Sung has a Ph.D. in Agriculture from The University of ...
Name | Christopher Teh Boon Sung |
University | Universiti Putra Malaysia |
Country | Malaysia |
M. Cuneyt Bagdatli is working in Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Biosystem Engineering in Tu...
Name | M. Cuneyt Bagdatli |
University | Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University |
Country | Turkey |
Research interests:
Name | Antar El-Banna |
University | Kafrelsheikh University |
Country | Egypt |
Dr. Idress Hamad Attitalla, (Professor, 2015) has completed his PhD at the age of 31 years from Uppsala...
Name | Idress Attitalla |
University | University of Omar Al-Mukhtar |
Country | Libya |
Publications: Publications: 15 Internation...
Name | Entessar Al Jbawi |
University | General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research |
Country | Syrian Arab Republic |
Name | Bed Mani Dahal |
University | Kathmandu University |
Country | Nepal |
Fungi Mushrooms is specialized in research on environmental restoration and...
Name | Shoji Ohga |
University | Kyushu University |
Country | Japan |
Luis F. Garcia del Moral is a Full Professor of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology at the Faculty of Sc...
Name | Luis F. Garcia del Moral |
University | University of Granada |
Country | Spain |
Professor Gamal Khalil is working as full professor of soil physics and water management, Soil and Agri...
Name | Gamal Abdel-Nasser Mohamed Khalil |
University | Alexandria University |
Country | Egypt |
Prof. Dr. Said Elshahat Abdallah is working as Professor of Agricultural Process Engineering, Departmen...
Name | Said Elshahat Abdallah |
University | Kafrelsheikh University |
Country | Egypt |
Dr. Muhammed Yuceer is a food scientist and an academician (Assistant Professor in the Department of Fo...
Name | Muhammed Yuceer |
University | Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University |
Country | Turkey |
Sevil Saglam Yilmaz is Assoc. Professor of Agricultural Biotechnology at University of...
Name | Sevil Saglam Yilmaz |
University | University of Kirsehir Ahi Evran |
Country | Turkey |
Name | Farhood Golmohammadi |
University | Islamic Azad University |
Country | Iran |
Usman Pato graduated from Agricultural Technology Program, Department of Agricultural Technology, Facul...
Name | Usman Pato |
University | Universitas Riau |
Country | Indonesia |
I am a graduate in Agronomy from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1998), a master's d...
Name | Jose Luis da Silva Nunes |
University | BADESUL Development |
Country | Brazil |
She holds on scientific excellence, and on the first place on the pests&...
Name | Magda Sabbour |
University | National Research Center |
Country | Egypt |
I, Aliyev Zakir Husein oglu was born in 03/05/1949, in the family of an employee. In 1972 he graduated ...
Name | Aliyev Zakir Husein oglu |
University | Institute of Erosion and Irrigation NAS of Azerbaijan Tejaswini Ranjan |
Country | Azerbaijan |
Name | Zhao Zhang |
University | Beijing Normal University |
Country | China |
Dr. Yasin Ozdemir&n...
Name | Yasin Ozdemir |
University | Ataturk Central Horticultural Research Institute |
Country | Turkey |
Rasmia Sayed Sayed Darwesh has completed Ph.D at the age of 40 y...
Name | Rasmia Sayed Sayed Darwesh |
University | Cairo University |
Country | Egypt |
Bijan Abadi is an assistant Prof. at the University of Maragheh. Iran. He received his PHD in agricultu...
Name | Bijan Abadi |
University | University of Maragheh |
Country | Iran |
Name | Ahmed Abdel-Wahab Enab |
University | Minufiya University |
Country | Egypt |
Zakaria Fouad Fawzy - Professor - National Research Centre and Assessor in Egyptian Accreditation...
Name | Zakaria Fouad Fawzy Hassan |
University | National Research Centre |
Country | Egypt |
Name | Antonio Elia |
University | University of Foggia |
Country | Italy |
Dr. Moustafa Mohamed Sabry Bakry,works as...
Name | Moustafa Mohamed Sabry Bakry |
University | Plant Protection Research Institute Agricultural Research Center |
Country | Egypt |
Dr. V. K. Khanna graduated from Delhi University and did his M.Sc and PhD from Haryana Agricultural Uni...
Name | V. K. Khanna |
University | Central Agricultural University |
Country | India |
Name | Usman Pato |
University | Riau University |
Country | Indonesia |
Research Area
Name | Omur Baysal |
University | MuglaSitkiKocman University |
Country | Turkey |
Research Interest: Microbial Nanotechnology, Microbial Biotechnology, Me...
Name | Bahare Salehi |
University | Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences |
Country | Iran |
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