Ophthalmology and Eye Research Journal

Journal Outline

Ophthalmology and Eye Research Journal (OERJ) as an open access, peer-reviewed journal for Ophthalmic Researchers emphasize on the scientific knowledge, innovative methods and discoveries making functional contributions to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of eye disorders and visual disabilities. The Journal provides a platform to Eye Researchers where peer-evaluated cases give significant data, diagnosing, sorting the issues and challenges on the best approach to give the best eye care solutions.


This journal accepts articles related to Amblyopia (Lazy Eye), Black Eye, Blepharitis, Cataracts, CMV Retinitis, Colour Blindness, Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye), Cornea Transplant, Corneal Ulcer, Detached Retina, Diabetic Retinopathy, Diplopia (Double Vision), Glaucoma, Hyperopia (Farsightedness), Macular Degeneration (AMD), Macular Dystrophy, Ocular Migraine, Ophthalmology, Ptosis (Drooping Eyelid), Retinitis Pigmentosa, Eye disorder in Pregnancy, Uveitis and many more as themes for generating a forum at global stage.

The journal being an online and free access for its readers tries to provide all its published articles in pdf/html text which are easily downloadable.

Coverage Topics

Manuscripts are highly encouraged to be submitted topics mentioned with:

  • Albanism
  • Cataract
  • Clinical Ophthalmology
  • Conjuctivitis
  • Cornea and Corneal Diseases
  • Experimental Ophthalmology
  • Eye diseases
  • Myopia
  • Neuro-Ophthalmology
  • Occular Migraine
  • Ocular Microbiology
  • Ocular oncology
  • Ophthalmic imaging
  • Ophthalmic Research
  • Ophthalmoscopy
  • Paediatric ophthalmology
  • Primary & Secondary Eye care
  • Vision Problems
  • Vision research
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Article processing fees vary from journal to journal in respect to sort of manuscript submitted.

Article processing fee varies from Journal to Journal. 

Ophthalmology and Eye Research Journal

Article Type Publication Fee (USD)
Research/Review/Video Article 1519
Case Report/Mini-Review 1060
Short Communication/Commentary/Letter to Editor/Opinion/Perspective/Book review 750
Image Article/Editorial 550


Withdrawal Policy: An author is free to withdraw article at no charge-as long as it is withdrawn within a week of its original submission. However, once peer review is completed the paper is accepted for publication, and it has been worked into a journal issue, where we have incurred some costs from our end that need to be reimbursed. Hence author(s) are requested to pay about 25% of the publishing fee towards it for withdrawl.

For any queries or any discussions regarding manuscript withdrawal/article processing fee, please contact us at: Contact@grfpublishers.org

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