Douglas L. Risk
Dr Risk entered active duty through the Military Indoctrination of Medical Se...
Name | Douglas L. Risk |
University | Fusion Dental |
Country | USA |
Dentistry and Dental Ailments Journal
Journal Outline
Dentistry and Dental Ailments Journal (DDAJ) is multidisciplinary peer-reviewed dental journal publishing articles in the field of general dentistry and restorative dentistry. It is an open access journal that publishes novel, original achievements in clinical studies in all areas of dentistry, including periodontal diseases, dental implants, oral pathology, as well as oral and maxillofacial surgery.
Dentistry and Dental Ailments Journal (DDAJ) aims in publishing original scientific research papers including review articles, short communications, case reports, image articles, brief reports, unusual and interesting case presentations etc in the sphere of dental sciences by encouraging dental ailments solution. The journal is dedicated for both eminent, experienced dental dignitaries and upcoming motivated dentists and dental surgical practioners who are passionate to learn, share their knowledge covering the management of dental disease, periodontology, endodontology, operative dentistry, fixed and removable prosthodontics, dental biomaterials science, long-term clinical trials including epidemiology and oral health, technology transfer of new scientific instrumentation or procedures, as well as clinically relevant oral biology and translational research as themes for generating a forum at global stage.
The journal being an online and free access for its readers tries to provide all its published articles in pdf/html text which are easily downloadable.
Coverage Topics
Manuscripts are highly encouraged to be submitted topics mentioned with:
Dr Risk entered active duty through the Military Indoctrination of Medical Se...
Name | Douglas L. Risk |
University | Fusion Dental |
Country | USA |
Dr. Bob C. Hunsucker went to Clemson University then transferred after one...
Name | Bob Hunsucker |
University | Texas A & M University College of Dentistry |
Country | USA |
Ouchi K, Sugiyama K. R...
Name | Kentaro Ouchi |
University | Kyushu University Medical and Dental Hospital |
Country | Japan |
Professor Ziad N. Al-Dwairi works as Vice Dean and Director of Dental Teaching Clinics at Faculty of De...
Name | Ziad N. Al-Dwairi |
University | Jordan University of Science and Technology |
Country | Jordan |
Adnan Catovic is a specialist and primarius in Prosthodontics. He is full ...
Name | Adnan Catovic |
University | University of Zagreb |
Country | Europe |
Prof Dr. Alparslan Dilsiz was born in Erzurum, Turkey, in 1976. He has graduated from Ataturk University in 1998. He completed his Ph.D. in Ataturk Universit...
Name | Alparslan Dilsiz |
University | Ataturk University |
Country | Turkey |
Name | Wael M. Al-Omari |
University | Jordan University of Science and Technology |
Country | Jordan |
Dr. Murat Unal (DDS, PhD, Associate Professor and Pediatric Dentistry) was graduated from Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Dentistry with the degree of DDS,...
Name | Murat Unal |
University | Cumhuriyet University |
Country | Turkey |
Dr. Aysegul Goze Sayin (DDS, PhD, Prosthodontic Dentistry) was graduated from Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Dentistry with the degree of DDS, completed h...
Name | Aysegul Goze Sayin |
University | Cumhuriyet University |
Country | Turkey |
Name | Abu-Hussein Muhamad |
University | University of Athens |
Country | Greece |
Name | Giuseppina Lagana |
University | University of Rome |
Country | Italy |
Name | Riaud Xavier |
University | National Academy of Dental Surgery |
Country | France |
Amer A. Taqa: Professor at Dental Basic Science, College dentistry, Mosul University, Iraq. Have PhD degree in Dental chemistry. He has published more 100 re...
Name | Amer A. Taqa |
University | Dental Basic Science Mosul University |
Country | Iraq |
Dr Vittorio Checchi degreed from Dental School in 2006 with a thesis on two different types of bone gra...
Name | Vittorio Checchi |
University | University of Bologna |
Country | Italy |
Dr. Sia is a graduate of both Dentistry and Medicine and holds the position as the Chairman of the Depa...
Name | Charles P. Sia |
University | University of the Visayas Philippines |
Country | Philippines |
Associate Professor at UNESP-Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Division of...
Name | Jose Ricardo Kina |
University | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho |
Country | Brazil |
Dr. Mehmet Kemal TUMER received his DDs degree and graduated from Faculty of...
Name | Mehmet Kemal Tumer |
University | Gaziosmanpasa University |
Country | Turkey |
Doctor of Dental Surgery. Clinical and Research Investigator at Department o...
Name | Andrea Ballini |
University | University of Bari |
Country | Italy |
Name | Mohammad Hosein Kalantar Motamedi |
University | Azad University of Medical Sciences |
Country | Iran |
Bachelor Degree of Dental Sciences from Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University 1975, Master Degree in P...
Name | Nagy Abdul Samee |
University | Modern University for Technology & Information |
Country | Egypt |
Name | Dr.Mohamed Elarbi |
University | Sbea Neursurgery Center University Hospital |
Country | Libya |
Dr. Fabio Rizzante received his DDS in 2012 from Bauru School of Dentistry–University of Sao Paul...
Name | Fabio Antonio Piola Rizzante |
University | Case Western Reserve University - School of Dental Medicine |
Country | USA |
President Chen obtained PhD in 1999 at Kaohsiung Medical University. Curre...
Name | Chung-Yi Chen |
University | Fooyin University |
Country | Taiwan |
Name | Adel Hamed Abd Elgawwad Elbaih |
University | Suez Canal University |
Country | Egypt |
Formerly Director of the Department of Surgical...
Name | Alfio Ferlito |
University | University of Udine School of Medicine |
Country | Italy |
Dr. Betul ERTUGRUL, Dental Doctor (Ph.D.- Orthodontics), now is an Associate Professor of Orthodontics,...
Name | Betul Yuzbasioglu Ertugrul |
University | Izmir Demokrasi University |
Country | Turkey |
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Dentistry and Dental Ailments Journal |
Article Type | Publication Fee (USD) |
Research/Review/Video Article | 1519 |
Case Report/Mini-Review | 1060 |
Short Communication/Commentary/Letter to Editor/Opinion/Perspective/Book review | 750 |
Image Article/Editorial | 550 |
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