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Daniel David Petersen

Name Daniel David Petersen
University National Center for Environmental Assessment, US Environmental Protection Agency
Country USA
Position Editorial board member


Dr. Petersen is a senior toxicologist for USEPA’s office of research and development, a professor at the University of Cincinnati, and a senior educator at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. He received B.S. degrees in Biology and Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin, a M.S. from the University of Iowa, and completed his Ph.D. in Biochemistry at Vanderbilt University. Dr. Petersen served fellowships in endocrinology at Vanderbilt University and in toxicology at the National Institutes of Health. He is board certified in toxicology by the American Board of Toxicology, and by the Academy of Toxicological Sciences. He has a long history of teaching, including current courses in plant physiology, plant pathology, plant nutrition, and enology, as well as a toxicology and environmental risk analysis course and the toxicology rotation in the medical school. Dr. Petersen has a long history of leadership of scientific societies, having served as president of the Ohio Valley Society of Toxicology, the Ohio Valley Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, the federal chapter of Sigma Xi and the Environmental Action Commission. He has received numerous awards including the Hulbary Award, EPA bronze and silver medals, and a recent “best paper” award from the Society of Toxicology. He has also served as counselor to the SOT mechanisms specialty section, Board member for the American Board of Toxicology, and member of the steering committee for the international endocrine disruptor testing program. Dr. Petersen has broad interests in the toxicology, from the molecular to the population level. He has published over 100 articles, letters, book chapters and risk assessment documents in several areas of toxicologic research including plant, animal and clinical toxicology, mechanisms of toxicology, endocrinology and endocrine disruptors, environmental injuries, risk assessment, and risk communication as a risk management tool.