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Eric Lontchi Yimagou

Name Eric Lontchi Yimagou
University Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx
Country USA
Position Editorial board member


Dr Lontchi Yimagou, is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Diabetes Research Center at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. His interests are clinical metabolic research of diabetes physiology and glucose clamp methodology. He has been actively involved in projects related to the epidemiology and pathophysiology of diabetes for the past 8 years, both at national and international levels. His current work relates to the potential approach to impact the pathogenesis of hypoglycemia associated autonomic failure that will restore life-sustaining responses to hypoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes. He has also evaluated the Changing Diabetes in Children Project in Cameroon. He has traveled to CMC Vellore, India in the past year to oversee our research delineating the pathogenesis of malnutrition diabetes.

He earned his PhD in Physiology and Pathophysiology from the University of Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris, France). His PhD thesis focused on environmental factors associated with diabetes in Africa, specifically the role of Human herpes virus type 8 infection in ketosis-prone atypical diabetes. He holds an MPH in in Public Health Nutrition from the University of Paris 13 (Paris, France). He is the recipient of a number of fellowships including the American Diabetes Association postdoctoral fellowship (USA, 2018), the Henry Christian and the Eastern Regional Scholar Awards from the American Federation for Medical Research (USA, 2017), the travel grant award from the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, a fellowship grant from l'Institut Servier (Paris, 2015), a fellowship grant from the French Government (Paris, 2014), the and Jean Claude Mbanya Fellowship Award from the African Diabetes Congress (Cameroon, 2014). He has published several original research articles in peer reviewed journals and is currently a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Clinical Research Diabetes and Medicine.