Name | Seock-Ho Kim |
University | University of Georgia |
Country | USA |
Position | Editorial board member |
Seock-Ho Kim is Professor in the program area of Quantitative Methodology of Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Georgia. He has served as the review board member of various professional journals including Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, School Psychology Quarterly, Journal of Educational Measurement, and Educational and Psychological Measurement. He is a co-author of two books with Frank B. Baker, Item Response Theory: Parameter Estimation Techniques (2nd ed.) and The Basics of Item Response Theory Using R. He is the author of numerous publications in educational measurement, psychometrics, and applied statistics. He is a member of the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, the American Statistical Association, the National Council on Measurement in Education, and the Psychometric Society. He received the B.A. degree (1983) from Korea University, Seoul, and the M.S. (1986) and Ph.D. (1991) degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was President (2010-2011) and Vice President (2009-2010) of the Korean-American Educational Researchers Association. He his colleagues, Drs. Sun-Joo Cho, Allan S. Cohen, and Brian A. Bottge, received NCME 2011 Annual Award.