Name | Robert C Cantu |
University | Dr. Robert C. Cantu Concussion Center |
Country | USA |
Position | Editorial board member |
Dr. Robert Cantu is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Clinical Diagnostics and Therapeutics Leader AD and CTE Center, at the Boston University School of Medicine, and Medical Director and Director of Clinical Research, Dr. Robert C. Cantu Concussion Center, Emerson Hospital. He has authored over 436 scientific publications, including 33 books on neurology and sports medicine, in addition to numerous book chapters, peer-reviewed papers, abstracts and free communications, and educational videos. He is section editor for World Neurosurgery and he has served as associate editor of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise and Exercise and Sports Science Review, and on the editorial board of The Physician and Sports Medicine, Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, and Journal of Athletic Training.
Dr, Cantu serves as Senior Advisor to the NFL Head, Neck and Spine Committee; Section Co-Chair Mackey-White National Football League Players Association Traumatic Brain Injury Committee; Founding member and Medical Director Concussion Legacy Foundation (previously SLI); International Rugby Board Concussion Advisory Group; Adjunct Professor Exercise and Sport Science and Medical Director National Center for Catastrophic Sports Injury Research, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; Senior Advisor Brain Injury Center and Adjunct Staff, Children’s Hospital, Boston, Vice President Chair Scientific Advisory Committee National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE), Chief of Neurosurgery Service, and Director of Sports Medicine at Emerson Hospital in Concord, Massachusetts. He also consults with numerous NFL, NHL and NBA teams.