Name | Rebecca H. Woodland |
University | University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Country | USA |
Position | Editorial board member |
Rebecca H. Woodland, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, is Co-Director of the Center for Education Policy in the College of Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is a former secondary school teacher, and has served as Chair of the Department of Educational Policy, Research and Administration at UMass Amherst. Dr. Woodlands scholarship focuses on the design, delivery, and evaluation of professional development for educators, and understanding how professional development systems affect and improve instructional quality and student learning. Her work has been recently published in such journals as: ACM Transactions on Computing Education (in press), American Journal of Evaluation (2016), Educational Administration Quarterly (in press), Educational Management Administration & Leadership (2017), Evaluation and Program Planning (2017), Journal of School Leadership (2014), and the International Journal of School and Educational Psychology (2016). Dr. Woodland is a leader in the development of education policy. In 2010-2012 she led the team that developed the Massachusetts Standards and Indicators of Effective Administrative Leadership Practice, and from 2014-2016 served on the Design Team for the Performance Assessment for MA Leaders Project through the Office of Educator Policy, Preparation and Leadership at the MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education. Currently, Dr. Woodland serves as the UMass Amherst liaison to the Connecticut Valley Superintendents Roundtable in Massachusetts.Dr. Woodland teaches graduate-level courses in instructional design, curriculum development, and social network analysis research methods. She serves on the Editorial Boards of the SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement and Evaluation and the American Journal of Evaluation. She is author of the book Getting the Grant - How Educators Can Write Winning Proposals and Manage Successful Projects published by ASCD. Currently, Dr. Woodland chairs the Social Network Analysis Topical Interest Group (SNA TIG) of the American Evaluation Association, and delivers trainings in the evaluation and improvement of organizational collaboration and networks at the AEA Summer Institute and AEA annual conferences. She received the prestigious Marcia Guttentag Award from the American Evaluation Association in 2005.Dr. Woodland leads three federally funded research projects. She is Principal Investigator and Director of the Instructional Leadership Institute for Pakistani Educators (ILIPE). ILIPE, funded through the U.S. Department of State, bring educators (administrators and teachers) from all regions of Pakistan to the U.S. for professional development in the principles and practices of learning-centered curriculum, instruction, and leadership. In addition, Dr. Woodland is Co-PI on a National Science Foundation (NSF) Computer Science for All (CSforALL) grant. CSforAll is a national effort announced by the Office of Science and Technology Policy, led by the NSF and the U.S. Department of Education in partnership with other federal agencies and private partners, to ensure that computer science education is available to all students across the U.S.. Dr. Woodland is also Co-PI on a $1.25 million Leadership Personnel Preparation (LPP) grant by the U.S. Department of Education, Special Education Programs. The purpose of the LPP grant program is to prepare educators for leadership positions in special education, early intervention and related services. Dr. Woodland is devoted to working in partnership with school leaders at local, regional, and global levels to design, implement and evaluate projects intended to cultivate organizational leadership, high quality instructional practice, and an increase in equity and excellence in educational settings.