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Jose Luis da Silva Nunes

Name Jose Luis da Silva Nunes
University BADESUL Development
Country Brazil
Position Editorial board member


I am a graduate in Agronomy from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1998), a master's degree (completed in February 2003) and a Doctor (completed in February 2007) in Plant Sciences by the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. I participated in the research groups "Plant Propagation Systems", coordinated by Professors Paulo Vitor Dutra de Souza and Otto Carlos Koller and certified by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, "Integrated Production of Fruit of Caroço", coordinated by Professors José Carlos Fachinello and Gilmar Arduino Bettio Marodin and certified by the Federal University of Pelotas, and "Fruticultura de Clima Temperado - Rootstock and certified seedlings", coordinated by Professor José Carlos Fachinello and certified by the Federal University of Pelotas. I have experience in the field of Agronomy, with emphasis on Fruticulture of Perennial and Deciduous, working mainly on the following topics: integrated and conventional fruit production, soil management, plant management, pest and phytopathogen management, plant propagation and production of quality fruit seedlings through the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, identification and classification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, classification and post-harvest of fruits. He served as a supervisory agent for the Cooperativa de Professionais do Agronegócios (PROCOOP), for the Cooperativa de Profissionais de Negócios (CAMP TEC) and as technical responsible for the Portal Agrolink, the company JOVAL and the company FORTESUL. He acts as technical consultant for the Portal Agrolink and is an employee of BADESUL Development, a development agency, acting as Development Technician - Agronomist - at the Agribusiness Superintendency.