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Sanket Awate

Name Sanket Awate
University National Institute of Health
Country USA
Position Editorial board member


Dr. Awate received his Master’s in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from George Washington University in 2010. Her Master’s Thesis focused on the transcriptional regulation of Estrogen Receptor α by BP1, transcription factor activated in breast cancer. He then decided to pursue his Ph.D. in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from Louisiana State University. During his Ph.D. he identified inhibitors of Tousled-like Kinase 1B that is overexpressed in Breast, ovarian and prostate cancers. He was awarded her Ph.D. in 2016 and then went on to join the Robert Brosh laboratory at NIH/NIA as a postdoctoral Fellow.

He is currently studying the molecular functions and genetic roles of DNA helicases engaged in the replication stress response.