Emergency Medicine and Trauma Care Journal

(ISSN 2652-4422)

Opinion Article

The Future of Emergency & Trauma Care

Rammal J*

George Washington University, Founder & Owner, JSPORT, Holistic Trainer & Practitioner, Fitness Marketing Consultant USA

*Corresponding author: Julie Rammal, George Washington University, Founder & Owner, JSPORT, Holistic Trainer & Practitioner, Fitness Marketing Consultant USA.

Citation: Rammal J (2020) The Future of Emergency & Trauma Care. Emerg Med Trauma. EMTCJ-100042

Received date: 22 April, 2020; Accepted date: 27 April, 2020; Published date: 08 May, 2020


The emergency health care is entering a new era that will soon combine the two opposite yet complimentary extremities in medicine and technology and holistic spiritual health care. The combination of both can enhance a patient’s care, health, and enable physicians to remain internally stress free and improve senses, intuition, healing and recovery, and emergency health care decisions.

Modern emergency health care and holistic spiritual health care can be viewed as yin and yang, both must be balanced and are needed to surpass the future medical challenges in health care, clinical care, and urgent care facilities.

A large percentage of emergency care situations can be prevented with patient inner connection of body, mind, energy, vibration, soul, education, and the rise of holistic physicians that view patients holistically as done in pre historic times. The human species is a spiritual specie, a soul, and it follows the natural laws of life. We must abide to our means of existence to avoid illnesses, diseases, and catastrophe where no medicine will be able to save the human species. An era of diseases, epidemics will continue to spread, and the future of medicine will exist in those who understand their body, mind, and soul and act and live in harmony within nature’s laws of existence.

In early history, the birth of medicine began holistically and then parted into pharma and medicine. The father of medicine, Hippocrates, viewed medicine as a whole, or what we call today holistically. Plato had stated, "The certain knowledge of nature is solely possible from medicine and only when it is correctly approached as a whole." In ancient Egypt, all ancient Egyptians doctors had to be clean in body and spirit. Historical medicine honoured the human being as a whole that is connected to a higher source of energy and power.

The Earth and the human body, mind and soul are not ready for the mass evolution in medicine, pharma, healthcare. We must re-connect to ancestral knowledge and ourselves, and engage in holistic and modern techniques in health and urgent care facilities. In the future physicians will begin to re-connect and engage in body, mind, emotion, energy, vibration of a patient’s healthcare status. Through manipulating a patient’s energetic field, power of intention and mind, holistic health practices, alternative medicine, physicians can transfer healing and recovery for patients. As a result, this will lead to higher rates of recovery and decrease in sickness.

Our bodies are not designed for the evolution of medicine at the pace we are predicted to be in soon. No matter how much we excel in modern medicine we must understand how far we have gone away from what true medicine is. We are entering an unknown zone with more illnesses, diseases, and sicknesses.

Today, we are entering a new spiritual era or re-awakening. The power of this practice should be used in clinics, health and emergency health care facilities to empower a patient’s health, recovery and healing. We do not need to wait for illness, sicknesses, catastrophe’s as all can prevent this through education and holistic health care practices. For every human sickness, illness, disease there is a plant that can cure it.

In conclusion, a spiritual rebirth of medicine will start to rise today and in the future. The power of our mind, and understanding our inner anatomy, past life, karma, body language and symptoms, energy, emotions, and the life we currently carry, we have the inner power to selfheal. We can reengineer ourselves to be better aligned and live a happier health life, when our mind and heart are open. We must begin to follow the universal laws of nature: to love and be loved, and then healing begins.


Citation: Rammal J (2020) The Future of Emergency & Trauma Care. Emerg Med Trauma. EMTCJ-100042