Annals of Medical & Surgical Case Reports

(ISSN: 2652-4414)

Review Article

Information Society and Public Health

Adamski A*

Department of Ethnology and Science Educational in Cieszyn, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland

*Corresponding author: Adam Adamski, Department of Ethnology and Science Educational in Cieszyn, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.

Citation: Adamski A (2020) Information Society and Public Health. Ann Med & Surg Case Rep: AMSCR-100039

Received date: 28 December, 2019; Accepted date: 04 January, 2020; Published date: 10 January, 2020



The XXI century is the era of information expansion. Modern ICT technologies change our world in a very rapid way. They facilitate the access to knowledge; however, the research academic workers and teachers face difficulties in following this rapid development. New reality requires creating new competences, skills, modern work places, quality of research materials as well as new educational programs. Tele-education or distant learning may prove to be irreplaceable. It happens that this type of educating is the only chance for the disabled people or people residing or working in remote locations far from scientific centers, but this is only the alternative.

The movement and positive awareness are the basis for the treatment of the body and mental processes. The author of the psychic life considers from the plane of quantum processes Postulates he, that consciousness is a congenital act which is associated with not only with Newtonian physics but also with nonlocal quantum processes. Above all, consciousness follows the laws of quantum mechanics. It is a result of emission of coherent light in DNA and of the interaction of such emission with solitons in brain bioplasma, synergistically co-operating with neuron bio-computer simulation. Bose-Einstein condensate is a soliton generator in the human biological system. Once created, solitons are pumped to bioplasma and, together with laser light, form the structure and function of consciousness.

The transformation of photons into phonons and vice versa, and of photons into solitons in melanin constitutes the main bio-computer language. After it is processed, perceptual information is transmitted to bioplasma and it is in bioplasma that it is evaluated and compared with the bioplasma master pattern. Disturbed synchronization in these processes, impaired transforma-tion or its absence, constitute subconscious or unconscious states or mental dysfunctions

Keywords: Bioplasma; Consciousness; Health; Movement; Quantum biocomputer

The importance of movement in the development of mental processes

Movement is a fundamental attribute of life, a factor shaping the development of somatic mental and motor development, and human health. Physical activity is present from the moment human beings are conceived and remains with them throughout their lives. Movement is given to a human being from their birth and is associated with the circulatory, respiratory and neuromuscular systems as well as with motility of the whole living system. The muscular system movement contributes to muscle growth, increases the number of employed fibres, changes the chemical composition of muscle fibres, followed by changes in the excitability of muscular-nervous, circulatory, increases the number of red blood cells and haemoglobin, increases the capacity of oxygen in blood, improves glucose management in blood, increases the count of white blood cell, creates an economical work of the heart and also regulates physiological functions of the body [1].

Movement stimulates and activates mental processes such as learning, thinking, imagining, feeling and consciousness, it determines our reasoning and ourselves. It integrates and anchors in our neural networks new information and practical experience. Movement is the basis for our ability to see, to situate ourselves in space, to study the shape and form of our environment, as well as for interactions with humans [2-5].

Lack of exercise causes children to suffer from the inhibition in the development of patterns necessary to develop inner speech as well as cause-and-effect thinking [6].

Movement has an innate control mechanism and is slightly susceptible to modification by learning. Its apparent "plasticity" consists of the performance of a multitude of movements in contact with the environment. Movement retains its symmetry and this symmetry determines the movement of the lower and upper limb, upper facial expressions, or the whole body. Disturbance of this symmetry is evident in mental dysfunctions. This is especially noticeable in children with autism or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The interplay of learning movements along with the internal representation is essential when learning a variety of shapes of objects and recognizing space [7] Lorenz studied the behaviour of geese and found that geese hatchlings follow the first moving object that appeared within their sight. Lorenz concluded that the birds he studied were born with a ready (congenital) pattern to follow a moving subject. Lorenz called this phenomenon "imprinting". A property is imprinted in the "empty space" that contains a pattern to follow [8].

For Sedlak this pattern is bioplasma, while Jung regards archetypes as such patterns., Jungian archetypes affect human behaviour and personality development. Nature provides a properly developing human body with the following mechanisms: the mechanism of imitation, motor symmetry and the inborn mechanism of speech. If there is no imitation mechanism, if symmetry of movement is disturbed or the speech mechanism is impaired, pathological psychological structures will develop. If children did not have an innate knowledge of speech, it would take many years for speech to develop in children. Piaget believes that the whole biological system must be active in order to take the information from the environment, to choose from this information what is important to integrate it with existing standards and at the same time to express it as movement [9].

 By movement it is possible to express the emotions that are too difficult, or too overwhelming to be expressed by words. Unexpressed emotions, not shown feelings do not disappear, but they build up and often find their place in our internal organs, muscles and tissues. Movement activates not only the body, but also experiences located in it. Movement affects the formation of students’ emotional sphere, develops their interest in movement and activity as a component of general education, at the same time creates a basis for creating high aptitude for learning and effort, and helps in the realization of human social functions [10].

The behaviour of patients with autism, depression, mental illness, dyslexia, anorexia, bulimia, ADHD etc. indicates the disintegration of the movement, the lack of a mechanism of imitation, or its limitation. These people are dysfunctional, they appear to have messages with double meanings, inappropriate movements, shortness of breath, dividing in the body, lack of visual-motor coordination etc, [11].

 In spontaneous movement a patient who is driven by internal impulses, emotions, associations can explore movement patterns that form a bridge between the conscious and the unconscious. Movement is symbolic and helps to express what is unconscious and difficult to verbalize. The inclusion of the body in the process of therapy allows the realization of repressed emotions and unconscious contents. Gestures, movements, dance improvisations are designed to bring children and people together. Art provides them with an opportunity to establish an emotional bond. In this context, what merits special attention is theatrical performances, which combine such elements of art as literature, acting, theatre set design, music and dance. Children need to engage in theatrical play because it is in the theatre that they children can create their own world of shapes, sounds, words, events, issues, experiences, emotions, individual and collective sensations. Moreover, the theatre plays an important part in children’s education. Participation in performances makes children more responsive to people’s dramatic experiences, teaches to them social skills and competencies, creative and dynamic thinking, teamwork, discipline and responsibility [11].

Managing information in a bio computer-like manner in the human biological system

The essence of a biological system is piezoelectricity, pyro electricity and semi conductivity. Piezoelectric and pyro electricity can convert mechanical energy into electricity and vice versa. Semiconductors convert electromagnetic energy into electricity. Thus, a semiconductor communicates using electric and magnetic fields, while a piezoelectric uses electric fields, and acoustic waves. The body as a piezoelectric-semiconductor system is sensitive to all kinds of information fields - magnetic, electrical, thermal, mechanical, gravitational soliton fields, spin and bio plasmas that act on the psychosomatic structure of man and at the same time determine the development, integration and destabilize his personality [12].

Movement is associated with piezoelectricity. In biology the piezoelectric effect is considered to play a significant role in the functioning of many biological tissues. Biological structures containing protein and nucleic acids exhibit piezoelectric properties. Every living organism acquires these properties upon coming into being. Piezoelectric material has the ability to run bioelectronics processes that are essential to the functioning of the body. A piezoelectric respond to mechanical, acoustic, electric and gravitational energy. If these types of energy do not influence biological tissues, the organisms concerned undergo pathological changes.

The biochemical model explains the intricate mechanisms of mental life. It still cannot explain what the transition is from inanimate to animate matter. Where is the threshold and what is its essence, the role played by the biochemical processes in the consistency of the soma of consciousness and its impact on the soma and vice versa? A similar problem is with the other mental processes, their nature is not within the biochemical model of life and it is inexplicable on the basis of biochemical interactions, again, it is much easier to describe it in the light of quantum processes - including the physics of wave [13].

In modern science, existing bio systems have been analysed at the level of corpuscular stru-ctures, with energy and information structures being ignored. The focus will move in the direction of the cognitive structures of energy-information, the body can be recognized as a quantum generator of information: electromagnetic, solitonic, sound, spin and bio plasma. The term information has many meanings; it is generally understood as something that carries a message. Information is also referred to as the ability to organize system or maintain an organized state. Programs and information data in the computer are stored in flash memory. Semiconductor memories are called digital integrated circuits designed to store large amounts of information in binary form. The memory capacity is given in bits or bytes. Thus, the amount of information that can be stored a single memory integrated circuit is in the range of from kilobytes to tens of megabytes. A biological computer operates using algorithms and the role of the programmer is assumed by bioplasma which does the programming in a heuristic manner. Enzymes, as a result of the relevant conformational changes, can function as molecular switches [14].

Currently analogies are drawn with computers, for example, neurons are treated as microprocessors and molecular quantum computers, while enzymes are thought of as Nano processors. They deal with the processing of information in the microtubules (cytoskeleton elements) considering them and Nano computers bio molecular machines. The interior of microtubules can function as an electromagnetic waveguide and laser-like, long-range quantum-coherent phenomena occurring there allow for a new look at the issue of the brain and consciousness. The brain can thus be considered as a biological photon computer, which contains neural quantum optical networks. Between the layers of the cerebral cortex transfer of information may be taking place via electromagnetic waves.

According to Hameroff, synapses and neurons have a complex structure and should be considered as bio computers (Nano processors). They are distinguished in that they have a high capacity for parallel computing in microfilaments, microtubules, together with all the cytoskeleton. Performance of cells should be considered in the context of a dynamic, but not static. The cytoskeleton is capable of collective processing of information in a cell area at the molecular level and performs the function of a computer cluster. In order to understand the functioning of the cytoskeleton numerous cluster a number of models have been constructed, but they failed to meet the expectations. Studies show that artificial neural networks are not able to accurately reproduce the functions that occur in the brain. Namely they are not able to accurately determine the hierarchy dynamically changing information, which is something the brain has no problem performing [17].

Hameroff believes that microfilaments, microtubules, along the entire cytoskeleton incorporate the modules that have to assess the inherent nature of the hierarchy information. Multi-level neural network in the brain combines modules and has a comprehensive system to recognize a hierarchy of information and the highest global level of information combined with an act of consciousness. Cytoskeletons in a cell have the ability to dynamically change the intracellular organization, by changing their network connections and information, but also to connect with neighbouring cells. They also have the ability to reconfigure. The main attribute of the cytoskeleton is its flexibility in dividing its resources in a collective manner, which is important for information resolution and processing. Cytoskeletal processing of signals involves the cytoskeletal filamentous structure assembling information into data series and strings, in a manner that is similar to the formulation of a phonetic language. Microtubule function as channels that carry information strings and the data strings. At the same time protect the information against interference and crosstalk. According to Hameroff and Penrose microtubules and actin cytoskeleton function as the microprocessor and must be considered as bio computer phones [18,19].

A similar point of view is held by Richard Tadeusiewicz, who believes that at the single cell level extraordinarily complex regulatory, cybernetic and information processes take place. The elements involved in this process are single molecules, the information carrier is a structural protein, acids DNA, RNA, melanin. Tadeusiewicz says that in medicine man is usually looked through the prism of the nineteenth-century biochemistry. The body is treated as an object in which chemical processes take place, and information processes occurring there are ignored [20].

Protein biocomputer: Cell membrane is made of protein-lipid structure. Protein is a piezoelectric. In protein there are unpaired electrons which form free radicals such as superoxide radicals, nitric oxide and hydroxide. Free radicals have the ability to activate spins: electron, photon, other elementary and atomic particles. Activating spins to spin to the right or to the left involves the generation of a spin box which can be used for binary recording information, for example. Movement of spin to the left - 1, and to the right-0 [21].

In biological membranes protein bio computers form a bio internet network, they are powered by the electric field created during polarization of a piezo and pyroelectric crystal. In such bio computers the role of an information carrier would be performed by an acoustic wave created during piezoelectric electrostriction and a soliton wave emanating from the spinning motion of spins produced by free radicals [22-36].

DNA bio computer
: DNA consists of a double helix and has a sugar, phosphate and rules: purine - adenine (A), guanine (G) and pyrimidine -, cytosine (C) and thymine (T). The information in DNA is stored in a four-letter language. Albert Popp showed that DNA laser emits light in the range of 200 nm to 800 nm. (Popp A. 1992). DNA is bio-electric power resulting from piezoelectricity and creates a forms a bio internet network, in which the information carrier is laser light waves and sound.

DNA computers have many properties that are more attractive than those of electronic computers. They operate on the principle of DNA base sequence, which allows them to pack information very densely. In 1 cm3 of DNA one can store as much information as can be stored in the 1 trillion CD-ROMs. Bio computers provide an extremely high degree of parallel processing, they are very energy efficient. With 1 J of energy, such computers can carry out 2 x 1019 operations of joining DNA molecules. Today's supercomputers are much slower, as 1 Joule allows them to run at least 109 operations [9,23].

???????Melanin bio computer: Melanocytic cells located: in the skin, hair follicles, in the sense of sight, ear, nerves, substance Nigra and meninges, are responsible for the synthesis of melanin and melanin bio computers maintain the structure. The process of synthesis of melanin is dependent on the light, temperature and electric field, again neuromelanin serotonin and dopamine [1]. Melanin has the ability to convert light into a wave acoustic phonon or photon and vice versa, phonon in the photon. Melanin directs light can accelerate its movement, or delay. Melanin can also convert light into solitons and information field or infons), which are conditioned by the movement of the spin. Spin densities produce energy and information fields - as an energon - infon, together with solitons, because melanin, as a free radical, is capable of activating spins: electron and photon ones, other elementary particles and atomic particles [6,37].

This on-going transformation of elementary particles-photons into phonons and vice versa, but also photons into infons has become the basis for binary and qubit information recording. Following the reasoning of T. Stonier [38-41] who believe that the world is filled with quantum information carriers called infons, we find that:

  • An infon is a photon with infinite wavelength;
  • An infon photon is moves at the speed of light; and so do not have a momentum and mass rest; infon is therefore energy, and therefore-if any speed other than the speed of light, the quantum of energy is converted into quanta of information, or in infon.

Stonier’s hypothesis states that photons are not fundamental particles, but consist of two components: energy and information. The electromagnetic wave is composed of not one, but two sets of oscillation: (1) an oscillating electric field occurring alternately with the oscillating magnetic field, and (2) a regular variation of information and energy [40].

Scientists are also considering the question of the of the existence of infons moving at a speed exceeding the speed of light, guided by analogy in relation to the hypothesis of tachyons.
Bio computers are designed to process and organise perceptual images and transfer them on to bio plasma. In bio plasma a perceptual image is imprinted on bio plasma content, and is evaluated and compared by it with its own master pattern. In Jung's theory this role is performed by archetypes. Jung corrects archetypes, assigning to them a pattern of behaviour or a way of thinking and emotional responses, and creates a unique specificity of the organism, with his energy and information characteristics, creating its personality structure. Bio plasma responds by recording information in solitons which fill the human psyche. Stimulation of this master pattern results in a particular skill being brought out, e.g. walking, talking, jumping, thinking, representing the world, in adolescence, there are new mental functions, such as reflective consciousness, abstract reasoning, higher feelings. In old age bio plasma gradually disappears and behavioural patterns are lost. A perceptual and soliton image obtained by the brain from the universe - allows bio plasma to evaluate it and compare with its own pattern, assigning to it a way of behaviour, thinking and emotional response. Information entered by bio plasma in solitons determines an individual’s mental state and personality. The human biological system has the ability to not only adopt the solitons of the cosmos, but it can itself produce them with free radical, spin fields in Bose-Einstein condensate, and bio plasma. Solitons generated from the human body are transferred to the cosmos, but also to the brains of different people in the form of messages, or directives. In psychology, this phenomenon is known and referred to as telepathy. It is mentioned in myths, and also occurs in clairvoyance and precognition. Infon and soliton information images are used in conscious, unconscious and subconscious states, in dreams and altered states of consciousness. In terms of cybernetics, altered states of consciousness are considered to be states of densified information [8,41].

Bio plasma creates a unique personality, with complete energy and information characteristics. It determines the age, state of health, disease, the way world is perceived, and the way an individual behaves. Bio plasma’s role is also to integrate, store and manage energy-information processes in the human biological system. According to Sedlak, bio plasma "knows" what is in it and is being done around it. It tells the whole and its parts about the energy situation. Bio plasma creates a state of matter, which is unity in diversity. It is the centre of life and the material substrate of consciousness [33,42].

The soliton wave is necessary in the creation of mental structures

In the first years of the twenty-first century, biologists have discovered very interesting nonlinear optical phenomena occurring in collagen, acting on the basis of the processes of solitons [10,11]. It was concluded from these studies that the soliton induction of collagen can act as an optical fibre, causing other non-linear effects [12,13] reported the mechanism of soliton wave generation and its impact on the waveguide. According to these researchers the waveguide mechanism acting in the fibres of collagen may be responsible for ultrafast communication transfer in the body. Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose in 1924 was the first to predict that in certain special circumstances a lot of particles can arrange themselves "uniformly", positioning spin axes "upwards". This synchronization of spins of many particles (called Bosons-Bose particles at the time), allows a number of unusual phenomena to occur, such as "excess liquidity, superconductivity and emission of polarized light." Bose-Einstein condensation is just an example of quantum coherence. As it is "synchronization" of many particles that is being referred to here, we call this phenomenon "macroscopic quantum coherence." Danah Zohar in his book "The Quantum Self" claims that particles in Bose-Einstein condensation not only act uniformly but also produce a certain whole, and compares them to the voices of the members of a choir, which form the whole composition of singing. Zohar considers the idea that if you stimulate Bose-Einstein condensation of light, then bosons emit polarized light. There are natural cosmic lasers called masers which generate coherent light. Reflected light is coherent laser light. In the production of light in the cell, melanin and neuromelanin, which are elements of each nerve cell, play an important role. Melanin can act as a transmitter of phonons and photons in the reverse process [27].

 Solitons are generated in nonlinear optical centres and Bose – Einstein condensates. Strong waves laser, the degree of non-linearity and high concentration of atoms in a Bose-Einstein condensate influence the formation of multi-dimensional solitons. Currently, the greatest degree of non-linearity is achieved by organic substances in which electrons appear likely to travel long distances. Dimensional solitons owe their existence and permanence to a balance of two forces. Dispersion seeks to cause expansion, while non-linearity seeks to compress solitons. Such a soliton can be obtained, directing the laser beam at appropriately selected half of condensate [39,41].

 Consciousness operates according to bio plasma master patterns and exhibits properties of coherent action. That is due to laser activity in DNA, generating coherent light and solitons. If coherent light emission in the consciousness structure is disturbed or interaction between solitons is not of proper nature, bio plasma master patterns are misread and mental disorders arise, in the form of mental illness, depression, neurosis and emotional disturbances [8].


The author of this paper thinks that spin and soliton waves provide a picture that is different than what electromagnetic waves do, when received by the eye. Existing science only accepts the operation of electromagnetic waves. It can be concluded that what we have here is a second medium that creates a structure of the image of the world and is responsible for the development of human personality [43].

Human biological system has the ability to not only adopt the solitons of the Cosmos, but he can produce them by means free radicals, spin boxes and bio plasma. Solitons generated from the human body are transmitted to the cosmos, but also to the brain of different people in the form of messages or directives. In psychology, this phenomenon is known and referred to as telepathy It is also noticeable in everyday life that speaks of someone and that person at this time appears in the group of people talking about him [8].

Information society vs. the ethical and moral values

The twenty-first century society must acquire high ethical and moral values ??and sensitivity to others. Human electronic products cannot tempt people to commit evil as well as they cannot destroy one’s humanity. In order not to do so, ethics and art that shape beauty and sensitivity to others come with help. Psychology and pedagogy must become more open to people and they should concentrate mostly on prevention and education through art. Art for a child is not the same as for an adult. For an average individual art is usually associated with aesthetics and beauty. Art for children is a mean of expression; it becomes for them a way of expression of thoughts and experiences. Aesthetic experiences trigger mechanisms of child’s psyche and activate the dormant powers and splendor of children life. Thanks to art, some of student’s abilities such as sensibility, imagination, ability to respond to the stimuli of the external world are revealed in the creation of atmosphere of participation in culture. Art provides children the immense possibilities and develops them in different dimensions. Therefore, education cannot be limited to the contents posed by the educational system which focuses particularly on getting good grades, moving up from class to class, passing exams, and at the same time ignores the topic of development of child's personality through art, etc. A person educated in such a way is often extremely intelligent, but he or she often cannot use their intelligence in the social life. One cannot learn to recognize problems, to notice shape or order of the interiorization and restructuration or seek social competence without the presence of art and culture [44-48].

The fascination of youth in computers is closely connected with denomination of culture of the word in favor of the image. Multimedia computer programs, especially educational ones, provide a broad flow of information and also have an emotional-motivational and cognitive-educational function. The Internet helps with doing homework and performing school tasks. It is also a great way to learn about people from other parts of the world and cultures. It's the cheapest ticket for a journey around the world. However, one must remember that the Internet brings many risks in the cultural, moral, social and especially health system. The electromagnetic field emitted from the monitor blocks the synthesis of melatonin and this fact results in a disorder of visual perception, lowering the threshold of relaxation, and in hyperactivity connected with attention deficit [2,45].

Electronic games produced mainly for the youngest children raise the biggest objections since playing them a child is not able to separate the real world from the virtual one. While playing computer games a child experiences true and intense emotions. Therefore, playing the games which aim to destroy or brutally injure the virtual opponent, a child’s sensitivity is significantly reduced. Moreover, the child may have difficulties in understanding the concept of good and evil. In the computer games world, the best is one who destroys the others; who is strong, ruthless and brutal. Such scenes are a model that is followed by children. Violence, rape and cruelty are present more frequently among older children and the youth and therefore they are the most frequently discussed problems among parents, teachers and educators [46].

Long hours spent on using a computer in the extreme cases can lead to computer addiction. This problem is possible if a child decides not to play with friends, rejects outdoor activities, sometimes neglects school duties, and hysterically reacts to turning the computer off. In addition to emotional influences, one should consider computer impact on physical and mental health of the child. During its work, the computer sends harmful radiation and adversely affects the eyes which results in the persistent diseases. In addition, computer games replace a healthy lifestyle, sport, hiking and outdoor fun. This fact contributes to the existence of various diseases of the skeletal and circulatory system as well as mental disorders that may become a source of anxiety, neuroses and negative attitudes [1].

Universal values in education

 Values which are especially important in the upbringing/education process concentrate around the transcendental triad: TRUTH, GOODNESS and BEAUTY. Each of these values improves and shapes perfection of the human nature in a different way. Truth shapes intellect, and beauty and goodness enrich emotions and volition giving as a result sensibility and heart tenderness. Seeking for truth is a part of growing in the humanity process. Truth is the most precious value for a young man, Recognition and participation in truth is the basic idea of the happiness for him. There are many definitions of happiness. According to Kotarbi?ski happiness means to be a subject of love for somebody, as well as friendship, guardianship and charity. Happy live means taking care about goodness, easy and subtle conscience, life adequate to human life, out rightness to other people and being in true to myself. None of these values cannot be limited only to social sphere, but transcend over this sphere. None of them do not work only as a construct, but happen in the real world. These values refer to humility what about presence is offering and future is going to offer-humility acquired by different touches of the existence and during a lifetime process of getting become a human [44]. K. Wojty?a preached that tendency to search for happiness is a natural quality of every man, but being a real man means that she or he aspires for self-realization which happens by relationship with God, communion with people, seeking and getting of truth and freedom. And human freedom is not whatever or whichever, but means an aware full and independent choice of goodness, truth and beauty. Happiness comes along with moral advancement, nobility and fullness of humanity. Psychical self-improvement affects spiritual life and results in new forms of joy and pleasure. Strong spirit, mind and will navigate man towards objective goodness, blooming with flowers of satisfaction and happiness [47,48].

Summary and conclusions

When focusing on body and expressive language of movement, we are ready to start and deepen awareness of feelings, posture, gestures, emotions and associated with them thoughts and meaning. The body contains the history of our life because the movement is our primary language. Body movement runs deep feelings and memories. The way we move, reveals our blockade and recurring patterns that gives information not only about traffic but also about the mental-emotional processes. Movement reflects one’s personality. Bioplazma not only protects the human biological system with an electron jacket that is it necessary for the functioning and adaptation of biological and psychological, but also it is a link between the bios and the psyche, both in the conscious and unconscious.

Bio computer-like management of the organism and bio plasma concept of consciousness shed new light on the field of consciousness studies as well as reveal new ways of clarifying the interaction of the intracellular and intercellular; builds the basis for the creation of new models and the description of perception and consciousness.

Quantum psychology explains the nature of mental processes in the light of quantum processes, describes the organization of a system cybernetics-informative way, explains human behaviour in relationships on a quantum field, assigns a significant role to non-linear processes of consciousness and unconsciousness, recognizes that the human psyche is managed by bio computers and an internet spaceship. It defines consciousness as the emission of coherent light interacting with solitons in bio plasma. It is postulated that the human biological system is made in the transformation of the photon and phonon and vice versa and photon to the soliton, which processes constitute an act of consciousness. DNA is based on the exciplex / excimer “laser system". The human biological system is made of bio-photons and autologous bio solitons, which together with laser light are responsible for human mental states [7,8].

 Our life is largely unconscious and we execute pre-programmed roles. Normally we are not aware of such a mechanism. We often wonder why we behave in such a way and not otherwise, why a particular situation happens to us and no other situations. We assume that that is just the way it is; the way the world is. Nevertheless, behind such an event there is a hidden set, located in the subconscious programs, based on directives given from space. Braided quantum states in the brain constitute an act of the mind. The unity of mind is achieved by synchronizing solitons in the area of bio plasma. Synchronization of solitons with macroscopic quantum coherence determines the act of consciousness and mental health of man.


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Citation: Adamski A (2020) Information Society and Public Health. Ann Med & Surg Case Rep: AMSCR-100039.